Alpin and Safety pin are two brothers. Alpin just stung. And the safety pin? If you are a man, I ask, what would you do with a safety pin? Just think once you sit down. And if she is a woman, there is no need to question her. Why not? Because, women use safety pin more than men and that is the need of fashion.


Safety pin is a very trivial matter for ordinary people like us. But in the case of fashion, safety pin is not a trivial matter. You will notice that the safety pin is used very effectively to attach the sari with the blouse and the veil with the shirt. Remember? But it has been used by women for a long time. The reason I say ancient is that the safety pin we see now was first patented in 1849, in America. The patent was taken by Walter Hunt, a famous mechanic of that time. Safety pin is 171 years old! And the funny thing is, the original name of the safety pin is 'dress pin'. This means that the cloth was attached with this pin.

Pinning clothes is not a new phenomenon. It is thought to have originated in Central Europe during the Middle Bronze Age (1950-1540 BC). After that, the clothes pin has gone through various changes. In continuation of this we have got modern safety pin, it is also for stopping clothes.

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Now that all-in-one diapers are seen, mainly for baby use, such diapers were used in America and Europe in the nineteenth century. Their common name was flat. Diapers, the predecessors of this flat or the current all-in-one diaper, were pinned together. Safety pin has been in operation since the middle of the nineteenth century, i.e. since 1849. Besides, it was used to stop clothes. In America or Europe, especially women's clothing in the eighteenth or nineteenth century, something like a pin was needed. She fills the space with a safety pin.


However, the safety pin became an icon of the fashion world much later. It can be said that in the nineteen seventies. Punk rock artists of that time contributed a lot behind this. Many punk rock artists used safety pins specifically for fashion. They have also used safety pins in various posters. When it comes to punk rock and safety pin, the famous band of the seventies of the twentieth century, 'Sex Pistol'. Perhaps this band has established Safety Pin in the world of fashion.

The song of this British punk rock band is called 'God Save the Queen'. As can be seen here, vocalist Johnny Rotten is wearing a shirt with many safety pins. No one from the punk rock band has been seen using a safety pin before. Since then, many believe that safety pins have become widely used among the artists of the punk rock music genre. However, before that, in the seventies, British fashion designer Vivian Westwood used safety pins in her designed clothes, especially in T-shirts. In the seventies, fashion designers like Jandra Rhodes and Judy Blame also used safety pins in their clothes and jewelry.

This trend continued in the world fashion world till the nineteen nineties. Fashion designers like Stephen Sprouse or Jean-Paul Galtier and world-renowned actresses like Elizabeth Harle have immortalized the safety pin in the world of fashion. It goes without saying that the trend is still going on. Famous fashion designers like Balenciaga, Vineet and Sonia Rykiel brought Safety pin back to the glittering stage of fashion in the 2016-17 fall clothing collection.

Needless to say, Safety Pin became important among the general public before it came to the colorful world of the world fashion stage for its practical reasons. As I said at the beginning, it is not only Europe or America or not only slender models with shiny looks, ordinary women in our country are using safety pin every day. Butterflies made of different metals, bees or safety pin attached to different flowers were once used in children's fashion in our country. Yes, they were imitations of current fashion in the fashion world. But its importance in the current fashion world of our common man was immense.

However, I was saying that Safety Pin is a strange addition to the fashion world. Her presence in the fashion world has become very loud in the house of common people. A very special instrument that has become a fashion icon of a music genre like punk rock can be heard in various writings. It is known that Homer wrote about the pin used in cloth in his epic Odyssey, the color of which was gold, the current form of that pin is safety pin. Even in the 1930s, the golden safety pin was a symbol of nobility in Europe. So from fashion to spiritual thought, as well as usability to use, how much more safety pin will play in the future, it cannot be said right now.


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