The lungs are the most attacked by the epidemic of coronavirus. The virus is transmitted through the nose, eyes and mouth through the hand.

The virus enters the lungs from the throat through the airways and gradually destroys its function. This results in severe shortness of breath, cough and fatigue.

In this regard, the National Chest Disease Institute and Hospital Chest Disease Specialist. Arefin Khan told Jugantar that the coronavirus enters the lungs through the airways. The lungs are the most affected by this disease. So it is most important to take care of the patient's lungs.

He said there is no substitute for exercise to keep the lungs well. Regular exercise keeps the lungs well.

Exercises to increase lung function if corona is affected-

To increment the supply of oxygen to the body, sit in the lotus position with both hands straight, keeping the spine straight, inhale through the nose & exhale slowly through the mouth.

Hold the right nose with one hand and breathe in the left side. Exhale to the left with full breath. Do this 10 times first, gradually increasing.

You can do this breathing exercise at least twice a day, which will increase the oxygen supply to the lungs. As a result, it will be less difficult to breathe. However, in case of severe shortness of breath, you must take the advice of a specialist.

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