Showing posts with the label Life Style

The mark of age will not fall on the skin

Perpendicular in front of the mirror and looking at the manifold wrinkles under…

5 tips for hair care in the rainy season

You have to pay additional attention to hair care during the rainy season. Ha…

There is no substitute for exercise to keep the lungs well.

The lungs are the most attacked by the epidemic of coronavirus. The virus is tr…

Benefits of Cinnamon in Controlling Diabetes

Cinnamon has been shown to be beneficial in controlling diabetes. According to …

Five times the cloves

Clove is a spice that is obtainable at hand. It's not just that it works as…

Hand-foot care at home!!

This time the hassle of going to the sun and rain is much less. The o…

To find rid of black acne?

Moisture increment skin problems many times over. Due to the wet weather, dirt …

Cinnamon effective in corona

Cinnamon is not an antidote to corona, but experts claim that it helps to get r…

Not only prevent hair loss, new hair will grow

Lots of people lose their hair at a young age. In many cases, there is a genet…

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