Does eating apple seeds cause death?

You don't have to eat an apple every day or go to the doctor. Many have heard this. Apple is a delicious fruit. But the seeds of these apples contain life-threatening toxins like cyanide. Apple seeds are life threatening for everyone, big or small.

One study found that apple seeds contained small amounts of the deadly cyanide. When swallowed with apple seeds, these seeds are digested and excreted through the rectum. As a result, there is no reason to be afraid.

Cyanide does not penetrate the hard lining of the seed and does not cause poisoning. But disaster strikes when apple seeds are bitten or eaten.

However, even if a single grain is chewed by mistake, there is nothing to fear for adults. The adult body will detoxify it. However, it would not be right for adults to do so.

Studies have also shown that one milligram of cyanide per kilogram of body weight is harmful. Each apple seed contains an average of .49 mg of cyanogenic compound. An apple contains about eight to ten seeds. In other words, the total amount of cyanide in the whole apple is 3.92 mg. As such, if a person weighing 75 kg chews at least 132 seeds, it will be a sure cause of death for him.

It takes 18 to 20 apples. However, if children chew four or five apple seeds at a time, the consequences will be terrible. Cyanide poisoning can cause immediate death in children due to their low birth weight. Therefore, children should be allowed to eat apples by dropping seeds.

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