Breast milk is the safest food for the baby. However, most new mothers complain that the newborn is not getting enough milk. In fact, there are some rules for breastfeeding, which are not known because the baby does not get enough milk and cries hungry. Every new mom should be trained on how to breastfeed.


1. First sit comfortably in a chair. Take the newborn in your arms. Take his head in the elbow. His face will be back towards you. The legs will be sloping downwards. Hold him by the fence with your own hands.

2. Support with the finger under the breast with the other hand. Gently insert the stem into his mouth. It is as if he inserted the black part around the nipple into his mouth and made it like a tube and started sucking the milk.

3. After the breasts on one side are completely empty, hold on to the breasts on the other side.

4. The next time you breastfeed, start with the last breast.

5. How long to breastfeed is a question. The answer is, as long as you pull, as long as you pull.

6.How long will you eat in a row? There is no definite answer. Whenever he wants to drink milk, he has to give it.

7. During the first two-three days of life, a thin liquid like streaks comes, it is called mustard milk. This very nutritious mustard milk. Never throw it away. It is very necessary for the baby. Then the more the baby sucks the nipple, the more milk will fall on the mother's breast.

8. Exhale the baby's stomach air after feeding. You can do it on the shoulder or in the elbow with his body in the lap.

9. How do you know he is getting enough milk? If you urinate six times a day, you will understand that you are getting enough milk. With this he will be happy, cheerful and active.

10. The mother who is breastfeeding will eat four to six meals a day instead of three. Increase liquid food. Drink plenty of milk and water. Take meat. Don't worry. Remember, insomnia, extreme anxiety or worry can slow down the flow of milk. Others in the family will give you emotional companionship.

11. Create the attitude of raising a child by breastfeeding for exactly six months. This requires the cooperation of family and society. Consult a pediatrician if necessary.

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