There is also a history of endless struggle behind the strong attraction of women towards red lipstick. Women's red lips have sometimes become a reminder of their rights, sometimes a language of protest, a sign of courage. 

Lipstick is an aristocracy for women of any age. Lipstick is one of the main cosmetics for lip decoration. Which has been used for a long time. There are also different types of liquids such as re-frozen, even different colors. But the red lipstick is prevailing all over the place of love and liking. It usually has a cylindrical stick .

Let's get to know the History of Red Lipstick Makeup

For some, lipstick is a symbol of growing personal confidence. For many nowadays, makeup is an exception. However, this lipstick is not the invention of this time, history is also behind its invention.

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It is thought that in the twentieth century, red lipstick was considered a symbol of strength and power. This symbol has played the biggest role in the women's suffrage movement. The movement was primarily aimed at upholding the right of middle-class women to vote, as well as women's property rights. They believed in the peaceful movement, which had always had a relationship with beauty. As these women were campaigning for their rights, red lipstick became a part of their uniforms. So when the male society deprived them of their rights during the movement, red became the only symbol of their power.

The beginning of red lipstick

The term lipstick was first used in 1880. In 1884, a perfume company in Paris launched lipstick for the first time. This does not mean that women's lips start to turn red from then on. The practice of decorating one's lips red like ruby ​​has been practiced by women for a long time. Women have used this red beauty as a symbol of their social status, leadership and immense power.

Read more:Lipstick Queen

If we look at history, we can see that Queen Cleopatra of ancient Egypt used to decorate her lips with red color. He collected these red pigments from ants and beetles. Not only that, he used to collect lipstick from red flowers, a kind of reddish soil and even fish scales.

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In the sixteenth century, the British Queen Elizabeth I also used red on her lips, pointing to the traditional belief. At that time, it was believed that reddening a woman's lips meant that she was challenging God. At that time, a woman's red lips meant her desire to be associated with the devil. Queen Elizabeth I used red powder instead of red glue. And this powder was made with the help of some terrible chemicals. One of these chemicals was white lead. Which can cause death in the stomach.

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In the late nineteenth century, British Queen Victoria banned the use of lipstick as a cosmetic ingredient. Because at that time the rate of lipstick use among prostitutes or bitch women increased. The ban was in place until the return of lipstick in the twentieth century.

In the early twentieth century, a French actress put lipstick on her lips and took to the stage in Britain to amaze everyone. That actress is none other than Sarah Bernhard. She is still regarded as the greatest actress in the West. She stunned the audience with the beauty of this banned lipstick. At that time many people secretly used tube shaped lipstick but it was limited to the inner floor of the house. Sarah used to call her lipstick tube 'Stylo de' More 'in French. In English, it means 'love pen'.

Lipstick in the revolution

In 1910, a woman named Elizabeth Arden broke the norms of American society with the establishment of the Red Door Salon on Fifth Avenue in New York City. Because in the patriarchal society of that time, becoming a woman and owning a business was the rarest event, just a few decades ago where American women got the right to own private property.

In 1912, a procession of American women demanding the right to vote passed in front of the salon of Elizabeth Arden on Fifth Avenue in New York City. Arden was a staunch supporter of the movement. And it was from the spirit of this movement that he designed a red lipstick called 'Red Door Red'. Although lipstick was not prevalent among American women until then. In some states of the country, the use of lipstick by any woman under the age of 44 was banned. In such a situation, Arden applied red lipstick on the lips of some women while the procession of women was passing in front of his salon. Not only that, he gave a lipstick gift to the women who took part in the procession. He wanted the color red to symbolize the hope, power, strength and mutual trust of the women participating in the procession. Truly this red lipstick adds a new dimension to the American women's suffrage movement. They gained the right to vote in 1920 as a continuation of this movement.

Over the next few decades, the popularity of red lipstick continued to grow. Old-fashioned Hollywood actresses like Greta Garbo, Clara Bow, Gloria Swanson and Lewis Brooks began using red lipstick as a symbol of sexual appeal and feminism. Cupid's bow, a special posture of two lips, became popular with their hands. When you see a woman in a 'Cupid Bow' style using red lipstick inside the normal border of her lips, it looks like she is blowing a kiss. This particular red lip posture made men's chests tremble. The ‘Cupid Bow’ attitude of the actresses adds an extra dimension to the movie. But none of this happened before 1930. Because after that time, massive color film exhibitions started. The red lipstick in the hands of the color film also touches the minds of the common people.

The actresses of that period were able to increase the appeal through the use of red lipstick as well as attract the attention of the common people. Almost all women began to imitate their self-confidence. As a result, tons of red lipstick started to be sold in the market. Many women start painting their lips with red berry fruit and even a purple wine called burgundy.
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Red lipstick was widely used by Western flapper women. Flappers are a generation of women in the West who wore short skirts, bobbed hair, listened to jazz music, and rudely rejected anything they liked. They were also crazy about smoking in public, drinking alcohol and putting make-up on their faces. In addition to giving a smoky shade on the eyelids, he used to pluck the eyebrows and make them a little thinner. Through these tendencies, they largely ignored and rejected the conventional patriarchal social system.

Red lipstick to save courage

During World War II, when women were recruited into the army to enhance their military capabilities, red lipstick became as popular as patriotism. In addition to the frontline war, a large number of women began to work in arms factories to supply arms to the soldiers. They always used red lipstick to keep their morale high. They stockpiled large quantities of lipstick in factory bathrooms. It was during this time that Elizabeth Arden designed a lipstick called Victory Red. A few more cosmetics manufacturers came forward at that time to supply lipstick to American women fighters.

On the eve of World War II, it was common knowledge that Adolf Hitler disliked wearing lipstick. When a woman went to see him, he was strictly forbidden to use lipstick. So as a sign of disobedience, American women soldiers started using lipstick at that time. After World War II, stars like Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe spread the appeal of red lipstick all over the world. Although part of the beauty practice, this lipstick connects all the women of the world.

Even today, wearing red lipstick makes some women rebellious. They feel a kind of energy.

Geralyn Lucas, a female director who won cancer in 2005, wrote a book in which she set the stage for a difficult decision to go for a mastectomy at just 26 years old. Masectomy is a surgery to remove the breasts of women with breast cancer. Geralin titled her book, ‘Why I Have Lipstick to My Massectomy’. She applied lipstick to her lips before going to the surgery. To her, red lipstick is a color that only brave women wear.

Red lipstick is still a precious weapon of women in rebellion and protest. During anti-government protests in Macedonia in 2015, a woman painted a red kiss on the armor of a police officer standing by a barricade. This kiss was later considered a special moment of anti-government protests.

The most notable exception was in Nicaragua. Because in 2016, women as well as many men in Nicaragua posted red lipstick on their lips on social media demanding the release of those arrested in the anti-government movement. In that movement, a woman activist named Marilyn Chao was arrested and interrogated. At the moment of interrogation, he applied red lipstick on his lips.

Last year, 10,000 Chilean women took to the streets to protest sexual abuse across the country. Their eyes were covered with black cloth. She had a red scarf on her head and a red lipstick on her lips.

The psychology of red lipstick

Red lipstick not only boosts women's self-confidence, it has a deeper meaning. An economic theory called ‘The Lipstick Effect’ describes the role that lipstick plays in invigorating the mind. During hard work, women feel comfortable choosing just a red lipstick over a luxury item. Cosmetic companies in the United States claim that lipstick sales in the country have increased since the 2001 Nine-Eleven attacks. Also during World War II, the use of lipstick increased significantly among American women soldiers as well as ordinary housewives. If we keep an eye on history, we can see that women have had to go through hard struggle and compromise. However, many of them have found some relief and strength in a simple red lipstick.
Lipstick has evolved in many ways. New lipsticks in various colors are now on the market. But the appeal of red lipstick seems to be forever. Katie Velvet, a US feminist blogger, said the red lipstick mask reminded her of the women who one day shook Fifth Avenue and demanded the right to vote. I remember the words of the women who, in the early twentieth century, pointed the finger at authoritarian societies and all the injustices committed against them. I remember the patriotic women who shook the enemy's chest and drew the victory sign. '

According to Katie, red lipstick is a symbol of strength. This does not mean that only red lipstick is a manifestation of a woman's energy. However, the history of this color is inspiring. It reminds women of her past struggles.

But while many more stories may still be written in the pages of history, many more stories of lost emergence will come out over time.


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