Feelings can also be expressed with color. Each color has a different language. The same color has different meanings in different countries. Black clothes refer to different languages in different places. Similarly, the expression of white color is also different. The story of the color of the clothes has been created around the country, culture, weather.


Let's start with black. Although the color is known as a bad message in many countries. In Thailand, it is evil in Tibet. Again in Africa, China, Latin America it is a symbol of masculinity. In many countries it is a sign of mourning. Europe and North America highlight it with witchcraft, aristocracy, death.

In India this color is used to protect from anything bad. Black drops are given behind the ears so that they do not catch the eye. Winter, cold, water, the direction of the north — China also highlights these issues. In ancient Egypt, the rich were compared to the black soil that flooded the Nile.


This color highlights both positive and negative language. In every country, red carpet means positive importance. Similarly on the road it is used for stopping. In China this color manifests itself as happiness, good fortune, prosperity. 

In the Indian subcontinent, it is popular as a wedding dress. Even at Christmas, the clothes have a touch of red. In South Africa it mourns. The red sign is used to indicate the rise of the stock market in East Asia. Similarly, the use of the red sign to denote the downward index of the stock market in North America is noticeable.


Let's end with the greatness of white color. Holiness and perfection — these two meanings of white are acceptable everywhere. In North and South America and European countries, the bride's wedding dress is white. Draws the story of the beginning of white life in one country; In another country, white mourns the loss of life. In addition to China and Korea, several countries in Asia pay their last respects by wearing white on the day of the funeral. The funny thing is that just like white wedding dress, in India it is also the dress of widows.

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