Atomic bombings in Nagasaki, Japan during World War II destroyed the city of about 200,000 inhabitants. Within a few days, the plant that sprouted in the wilderness and resumed life was Persimmon the national fruit of present-day Japan. Persimmon or kaki is a very sweet and juicy fruit rich in nutrients.

The stems of the persimmon plant are very hard, like ebony wood. So despite the intensity of the atomic bomb, life was saved. And that's why the Japanese saw the persimmon plant as a symbol of strength, encouraged to stand up from the rubble. Persimmon or aunt has been given the status of national fruit.

 Diospyros kaki is an improved version of a type of gab, which botanists have named the Japanese persimmon. The real identity of the fruit has been written in this name. Translated from Greek it is either divine or heavenly fruit.

Herbal medicine for all diseases..!!

However, it is better to say that there are more than two thousand varieties of persimmon. As the days go by, its popularity is increasing. However, the Chinese have known about this tree for more than two thousand years. According to an ancient Chinese legend, they named the persimmon tree 'Holy Apple of the East' because of its many qualities. Apart from that, in the remote areas of China, this fruit is considered to be fortunate. Again many Chinese drink its leaves boiled like tea. They think it has many medicinal properties. Their idea is that playing this fruit relieves headaches, back and leg pain. A nutritious persimmon can weigh up to 500 grams.


Whatever it is, Persimmon has spread across the borders of China from Japan to Europe to America. As soon as autumn came, the persimmons began to peek through the thick green leaves. The fruit is available in European markets from late September to December.

Persimmon trees can grow up to 4.5–18 m (15–60 ft) in height. Seedlings begin to bear fruit seven years after planting. There are two types of trees in Lingveda, male and female. That is, male and female flowers do not flower in the same tree. Male and female flowers bloom separately. The color of the raw fruit is dark green. When it starts to ripen, it can be bright yellow, orange, pink, pomegranate, light red and dark red. The color depends a lot on the species.

There are seven special reasons to taste this fun fruit if you have the chance.

1. Heart-friendly

Not just for the heart, but for the kidneys and lungs. It contains healthy minerals like adequate fiber, Vitamin C, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese, Copper and Calcium. The role of these minerals and electrolytes in performing all the metabolic functions of our body is immense.

2. Blood pressure control

Persimmon controls blood pressure by removing excess sodium. When you feel an aversion to eating potassium-rich bananas to keep your blood pressure normal, you can change your taste and eat persimmon to get the same amount of potassium, which is good for the heart.

3. The reservoir of beauty

Persimmon is the source of beauty

Persimmon image, the source of beauty: Prothom Alo

Everyone has a desire to maintain the beauty of the face for a long time. Flowers, fruits and plants are the medicine. If the mind is full, the brightness of the face also increases. 

Persimmon, which is rich in nutrients, is a very favorite fruit of many. This excellent fruit rich in anti-oxidants like Vitamin C helps us to prevent diseases, removes roughness of the face and enhances the radiance of the skin, helps to maintain the beauty of the face for a long time. Takes care of the connective cells of the body including bones, blood vessels, skin. Prevents aging and hair loss.

4. Helps in digestion

If the food is well digested, many diseases can be avoided. Persimmon contains sufficient amount of fiber so it facilitates the movement of food in the intestines. A medium-sized fruit contains about six grams of edible fiber, which relieves constipation and protects the stomach. This fruit works in this way to increase the beauty. It is also very beneficial in reducing inflammation. Eliminates fatigue and keeps away from winter ailments.

5. Reduces the risk of cancer and asthma

Vitamin E in persimmon helps reduce the risk of cancer. Its vitamin B helps to increase blood circulation. This random fruit also helps to get rid of asthma.

6.Resistant to diabetes

People who suffer from diabetes or overweight cannot eat whatever they want. Especially foods that are high in sugar. They can eat sweet persimmons like honey. Because persimmon has fewer calories than other sweet fruits.

7.Reduces weight

As a result of a medium size, i.e. weighing 180 grams, there are about 30 grams of sugar. There are also thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and folate. As mentioned earlier, this colorful fruit is a good source of magnesium and phosphorus. What is not, or is, is very low in fat and sodium. That's why those who want to lose weight can place the fruit on the menu. But it would be wise to follow the advice of a doctor or nutritionist and follow their advice.

There is no shortage of persimmon jams, jellies and various cakes. The Japanese dry them for the convenience of preserving and exporting persimmons during the season. Just as grapes are dried and made into raisins. Persimmon or kaki is also being cultivated in our country at present.

There is no doubt that this nutritious and nutritious fruit will one day become affordable and popular in our country.

There is no substitute for fruit for good health.


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