Most people sustain from dandruff!!!! However, it is not tenacious to get rid of dandruff with a small caution. A special type of fungal infection called Malassezia Furfur is responsible for most cases of dandruff, but there are other causes of dandruff.

How to get rid of dandruff permanently

In the sweltering heat, the palm of the head becomes sweated. With this, most people try oil on their scalp and shampoo for 1 or 2 days a week. This improvement the risk of fungal infections of the head. Many people apply hot oil on the scalp to minimize dandruff, which increases the dandruff instead of decrement it.

If you want to prevent dandruff, you have to follow the rules regulation of applying oil on the scalp. Apply the oil one hour before the bath and then wash it with shampoo. To keep the head clean, one day should be shampooed regularly. Dandruff is a skin problem. According to the medical science  it is called Pityriasis capitis.

If you have a little amount of dandruff, you can cure it by rearing your head clean. But when the problem of dandruff becomes long, it is significant to see a doctor.Many times the skin peels off the scalp as a symptom of complicated skin diseases. An oily element called sebum comes out of it and helps to keep our hair and skin soft & smooth.

 In dry weather during winter, some people rise their sebum secretion and rise the problem of dandruff. Adolescents sustain various changes in their body, in which various hormones are active. And this is why dandruff and pimple are most common in young people.

Although seborrheic dermatitis, psoriasis, eczema or contact dermatitis, dry skin like dandruff develops from the scalp. A specialist doctor can understand whether the disease is really dandruff or another problem. Dandruff is not contagious. However, if there is an infection in the head, it can spread.So it is not acceptable to comb the hair with the comb used by others.

An antiseptic shampoo called ketoconazole is obtainable. This shampoo should be done one a week.  The other day the hair should be cleaned with  shampoo. Shampoo at least three days a week. If the head is tidy, there will be no problem of dandruff. In amalgamation to dealing with dandruff, you should also shampoo every other day. If the scalp is very dry, a little coconut oil can be practical. However, in case of additional dandruff, some drugs of iso-tretinoin group may have to be taken.

If the dandruff does not go away even after cleansing the head with shampoo (one day ketoconazole) three days a week, it is frequent and excessive dandruff does not go away for two or three months in a row, then it is important to see a doctor. Cutting the hair short & keeping it clean will not increment the problem of dandruff.

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