Belgium is one of the countries in Europe. And Brussels, the capital of Belgium, is a very old city. The city has a great blend of European culture and way of life. Many people have a hobby of visiting Brussels when they travel to Europe.

1. Grand Place

A grand place of UNESCO World Heritage. It is the main tourist spot of Brussels. Two small wetlands are known as Brayke Sela. And the name of the city is Brussels from this Brayk Cella. It is on this wetland that Niedermarket has sprung up, selling clothes imported from France and England, and French wine and German beer. Brussels' largest market is centered around the Grand Place. Whether it is a chat or a political event, everything is held in the heart of Brussels.

2. Town Hall

Town Hall with Grand Place. If you go to one place, you will see two traditions of Brussels. The town hall was established in 1402. The tower, with its arched windows and various sculptures, has enhanced its look and carried on the Belgian tradition. If you have the time and energy to climb to the top of the 98-meter-high Bravantine Gothic Tower, you can catch a glimpse of the whole city of Brussels at once.

3. Heisel Park and Atomium

Heisel Park, west of Brussels. Heisel Park is very popular with the citizens of Brussels for leisure time. And the main attraction of this park is the atomium. The shape of an atom 335 feet high is made entirely of steel. And the atomium was designed by Andre Waterken. It was built in 1956 to commemorate the nuclear age.

4. Koekelberg Basilica

It is 89 meters high and 167 meters long. King Leopold decided to build the church in 1902, and construction began in 1905. The construction of the church was completed in 1971 on the 75th Independence Day of Belgium.

5. Royal Museum of Fine Arts

There are two museums here. Napoleon built The Museum of Ancient Art. Another museum is the Museum of Modern Art. The museum was added to the old museum in 1984. The new museum has eight floors. The two museums house 600-year-old paintings and sculptures.


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    Famous Places To Visit In Belgium


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