One of the most intact and almost intact wonders of history is the Egyptian pyramids. Standing in front of its vast height and style, there is no way but to be speechless.

The Giza Plateau at one end of the city of Giza. The world-famous four-cornered giant buildings are above it. The Giza Pyramid Complex can be seen from afar along the city streets. How do you feel? Hard to say. When I first saw it with my own eyes, the thrill was more. If a mysterious history read in a book from childhood suddenly becomes a reality, maybe that is what should happen.

The pyramids are not very clear from a distance. The view is blurred by the combination of sun and dust. When I reached in front of him across the plateau, a surprise sound came out of his mouth! It is not surprising that he became speechless. I have seen the Taj Mahal at home, Barobudur abroad, all the huge monuments, but I have never seen such a large and diverse creation. It is difficult to estimate this size even with a lot of effort. Each square stone is 10-15 tons, with thousands of such stones, a huge square monument has risen. Many in Egypt believe that the pyramids were not man-made, but alien creatures! It is also said that the weight of the stones was reduced by a magic spell and the pyramids were arranged one after the other! I could not understand why it is possible to believe all these things from inside if I did not reach the front of the pyramid.

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Still, you have to think logically. I found out that some rocks came from the mines in that area, the rest came from the Aswan in southern Egypt through the Nile. Historians, however, are not sure how those stones were arranged or raised so high. However, many types of geometric calculations are mentioned. Why was the pyramid built? The ancient Egyptians believed in reincarnation. This amazing tomb was built on the Giza plateau during the fourth dynasty of that civilization. There are 3 pharaohs Khufu, Khafre & the huge pyramids of Menkaure. There are sphinxes, many more tombs & villages of art-workers. The pyramid is the oldest of the seven wonders of the ancient world and is largely intact.

However, in 2560 BC, a group of people thought they would build the largest monument in the world, 481 feet high and 756 feet wide. And made it, it's really a little uncomfortable to believe. They did not make it as it is.Now what we are so surprised to see is only the inner skeleton. The height  also 26 meters less than at this time. In fact, it is almost unbelievable to run a difficult medical procedure — mummification for 70 days to keep the dead alive. The house where the mummy is kept, the pyramid will be even more amazing, 

Wonderful mountain Fanjingshan

The pyramid of Pharaoh Khufur is the largest in size, its name is the Great Pyramid. Step by step the stone can be lifted a little. However, except for the excitement of going down the pyramid, the rest is quite difficult. There is nothing inside. Much of the mummies and treasures inside the pyramids during the Pharaohs' time have been looted, and the rest is now in the museum.

I got on a horse-drawn carriage in front of the Khufur pyramid. Crossing the other two pyramids, it headed deep into the Sahara Desert, towards a sandy hill. From there a panoramic view of the whole plateau is available. The whole courtyard can be seen by combining three large pyramids and three small pyramids. There is no way to describe the scene that I saw after going and standing, except taking refuge in Lal Mohan Babu - 'Sahara Shihran'! There are six pyramids in the Dhu Dhu desert, with a winding road. I came to Egypt to see this scene.

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The journey does not end without Memphis-Sakara after Giza. Memphis was the capital of the pharaohs south of Giza. All of these cemeteries were built around the city of Memphis. This area is a bit more green. Nowadays Ganj city, you have to go a long way along a canal. Note the Open Air Museum. There are many statues of Pharaoh Ramses II, some hieroglyphics from that era and other tombstones.

Sakara has the famous move Pyramid of Pharaoh Jose. It is also in the desert, a little higher than the city. Inside some of Sakara's tombs, however, I saw paintings all over the walls and writing in hieroglyphics.

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