Black cumin is mentioned the 'medicine of all diseases excepting death'

. Doctors and poets have been using black cumin as medicine for various disease since old times. Learn some of the benefits of black cumin:


Arthritis pain:Black cumin oil is warmed gently and massaged on the sore spot to cure the pain. rheumatism pain in particular has quite good benefits.

Retains skin youth:  Black cumin contains indispensable fatty acids called linoleic and linolenic, which defend your skin from the harshness, stress, etc. of the circumstance and retain the youth of the skin.

Enhances memory: Black cumin also works on intellectual improvement. Black cumin helps to improve memory by increasing blood circulation to the brain.

Increases Organic Energy: Black cumin improve sexual capacity in both men and women and helps to get rid of impotence. Eating black cumin with food every day increases male sperm and creates the possibility of liberation from impotence.

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Increases breast milk: For those mothers who do not have enough breast milk, black cumin is an antidote. In this case, mothers should eat five-ten grams of black cumin mixed with milk every night before going to the bed. In addition, one teaspoon of black cumin oil with the same amount of honey should be taken 3 times a day.

Irregular menstruation: In case of occasional menstrual discharge or meh-diarrheal disease, one cup of raw turmeric juice or the same amount of sun-washed rice mixed with 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil should be taken three times everyday for a few days.

Prevents hair loss: Black cumin prevents hair harm and helps in hair growth. In this case, mix 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil and 2 tablespoons of olive oil simultaneously, heat it lightly and apply it well on the hair roots & massage for 10-15 minutes. After 1 hr, the hair should be washed well with shampoo.

To cure asthma: If you suffer from asthma or respiratory problems, put black cumin paste in your food list every day. 1 teaspoon of black cumin oil,1 cup of milk or color tea should be taken 3 times in  a day.

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Black cumin also strengthens the immune method. Regular spending of black cumin keeps every organ of the body fresh. In case of odontalgia, boiling black cumin in water and cooling it with warm water will reduce odontalgia & stop swelling or bleeding of gums. Germs on the tongue, palate and mouth will be spoiled. To relieve cold headaches, make a bundle of some black cumin on a fragment of cotton cloth and hold it close to the nose and inhale it.If you have eye pain, massage black cumin oil on both sides of the eyes and eyebrows before operable to sleep. In case of fever, pain, cold and cough, one teaspoon of black cumin assorted  with three teaspoons of honey and two teaspoons of basil leaf juice should be taken everyday.  Mixing black cumin oil with tea and drinking it regularly helps to shed superfluity  fat. admix  black cumin paste or black cumin oil with sesame oil and apply it on the boil. The pain is grateful  & the boil heals in a few days. In diabetic disorder, a pinch of black cumin with a glass of water each morning on an empty stomach will control blood glucose levels. Black cumin paste should be eaten while eating hot food or rice to control high blood pressure.



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