Ireland's Dublin Castle is a wordless artistry to Irish history and tradition. The archaic castle in Ireland, a country rich in the world's oldest heritage, is becoming more and more attractive to tourists. Ireland has cherished thousands of years of history, culture and heritage with so much compassion that there is no way to understand it without seeing it with your own eyes. Dublin Castle is one of the most notable attractions in the beautiful city of Dublin.

The English word castle in Bengali means fort, fortress or fortified palace. In ancient times, this fort was used as the residence of kings and emperors. Many forts still stand proudly with a thousand-year-old history and tradition. Dublin Castle looks like one of the most famous museums in the world. Its vastness, the decoration of the walls, the priceless architecture, the sculptures, the collection of paintings will amaze any person.

In 1204, King John of England originally ordered the construction of a strong fortress for the defense of the city, administrative functions, and security of property. According to the king, Dublin Castle was built in Europe by 1230. With the Irish history of the last 800 years in mind, the castle now stands. Inside the 11-acre site, Dublin Castle has two museums, a cafe and a modern garden, and a large conference hall and veranda. Apart from this, there are beautiful walls around the fort.

Last Thursday, November 5, my friend went to visit at the invitation of Hamidul Nasser, a prominent community figure in Ireland. And I had the opportunity to visit Dublin Castle with my family. As soon as you enter the castle, you see a portrait of its founder, King John. Seeing the crowd of domestic and foreign tourists in groups, it was not left to be understood that it is quite popular. I reached Dublin Castle in 3 minutes by walking along the banks of the Keys River, which flows from the heart of the city of Dublin. There is a huge stall on the right side of the main gate. There are shopping items for visitors about the history and tradition of the castle. The huge empty space in front of the castle is surrounded by a stone wall. The castle, now used as a reception and dining room, was once a prison.

Dublin Castle will live on forever as a historical asset to the next generation of Irish nationalities. The Irish have their own language, literature, culture, culture and almost everything. But although they are independent in everything, they are not independent in linguistic terms. Irish is still the language of their heart, but English is being used everywhere. I walked around the whole city in the cold afternoon air. There is a touch of modernity everywhere in the city.

In the light of night, the city of  Dublin looks more beautiful than the day. Hundreds of tourists hang their cameras on their shoulders and take pictures in the dark of night.

It is known that Dublin Castle is open from 10:00 am to 4:45 pm from Monday to Saturday of the week. Six euros is the entrance fee to the castle. Those who are planning a vacation abroad can visit Ireland with their loved ones.

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