This time, in this summer, red meat (beef, mutton, dumba, etc.), oily and spicy food is eaten a lot. Besides, sweets were not eaten less. In extreme heat, these foods increase body heat. To stay healthy we should now eat foods that will keep the body cool.

Foods that keep the body cool

● Water: Excessive sweating in extreme heat causes the body to lose water and sodium. Due to this various problems including dehydration, weakness, dizziness occur. For this you should drink at least 12 glasses of water every day. Water with saline or a little salt can also be drunk.

Coconut water: Coconut water contains a lot of minerals, which help to keep the body cool.

● Vegetables: Shrimp, chichinga, zucchini, patol, gourd, squash, papaya etc. are rich in water. These are also easily digested.

● Fish: You can eat fish or seed food to meet the demand for protein. Fish, pulses or seed foods are easily digested.

● Fruits: To maintain the balance of water and minerals in the body, eat juicy fruits like mango, watermelon, pineapple, melon, apple, banana, malt, orange, grape regularly.

● Salad: There is no pair of cucumber, tomato, capsicum, lettuce leaves etc. to keep the body cool. These contain a lot of water.

● Spinach: Spinach is rich in water and rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber. At noon you can put spinach on the menu.

Yogurt: You can eat lachchi with sour yoghurt or by making yoghurt whey. This will keep the body cool. You can eat yogurt after eating.

Lemonade: You can eat lemonade several times a day. You can add mint leaves with lemon juice. This will maintain the water balance in the body as well as meet the needs of vitamin C.

Foods that are not good to eat in hot weather

Avoid spicy oily foods, fast food, soft drinks and ice cold drinks. Excessive drinking of tea and coffee should also be avoided.

Author, Nutritionist, Ibn Sina Consultation Center, Badda


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