Health insurance in Germany is mandatory for all residents, including foreigners who live and work in the country. In fact, having health insurance is a requirement for obtaining a visa to stay in Germany for more than 90 days.


There are two types of health insurance in Germany: statutory (public) health insurance and private health insurance. Statutory health insurance is the default option for most people, including employees with an income below a certain threshold, while private health insurance is typically reserved for higher earners.


Foreigners who work in Germany and earn less than €64,350 per year (as of 2022) are generally required to join the statutory health insurance system. The monthly premium is split between the employee and employer, with the employee typically paying around 7.3% of their gross income.


If you're not eligible for statutory health insurance, you may need to purchase private health insurance instead. This can be more expensive than statutory health insurance, but may offer more comprehensive coverage and flexibility.


When choosing a health insurance provider in Germany, it's important to research different options and compare costs and benefits. Some popular providers include AOK, TK, and Barmer.


It's also worth noting that Germany has a highly regarded healthcare system, with excellent medical facilities and trained professionals. However, navigating the system as a foreigner can be challenging, so it's important to familiarize yourself with the rules and regulations around health insurance and healthcare in Germany. 

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