In a perfect world, you wouldn't need to have auto insurance, because collisions wouldn't happen. Unfortunately, the odds of you making it through life and never having at least a fender bender or worse are low. In rare cases, you could have a much worse collision that causes lots of damage to your vehicle or serious injuries to you or your passengers. For both scenarios, you want to make sure you have the best auto insurance company you can find to aid you through a trying time.

While all car insurance companies offer a similar product, they differ in how they deliver it. Some car insurance companies are basically self-service, allowing you to shop for and choose a policy completely online. 

Others use local agents who can meet with you and talk you through the process of buying a policy and personally handle any claims you have. Some companies use a mix of the two. Make sure you find a company that has the type of service you want.

Cost is another major consideration you’ll have when choosing the car insurance company that’s best for you. After all, you need insurance you can afford. While you should compare rates from several companies, make sure you’re comparing rates for your situation. Insurance companies can charge drastically different rates depending on a person’s age, gender, driving record, credit history, ZIP code, the number of miles they drive per year, the value of their car, and other factors. 

It makes no sense to compare rates for a 16-year-old male from one company with the rates for a 60-year-old female from another, especially if you’re neither a 16-year-old male nor a 60-year-old woman. 

It’ll take some time to gather quotes to compare rates, but rates can vary by several hundred or even a few thousand dollars per year from company to company. The time you spend can pay off in the end. When comparing rates, make sure you consider any car insurance discounts you may qualify for.

Once you've selected a few companies with the kind of service you want at rates you can afford, read our reviews of each company. They’ll give you plenty of information on what real customers say about each insurer, so you can find the one that’s right for you.

The Best Car Insurance Companies of 2021

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