Stopping hair fall

Many people suffer from hair loss. Many are getting bald at a young age. In this case, both men and women are suffering. This leads to loss of beauty as well as additional anxiety. In the hope of growing new hair, many people buy and use various chemical products from the market. But the opposite is more.

According to doctors, hereditary factors, thyroid problems, iron or calcium deficiency, nutritional deficiencies in food, side effects of various medications and hormonal imbalances can cause hair loss. Because whatever it is, everyone needs a solution. 

Let's find out, there are two ways to solve the problem of reading stopping hair falling out

A mixture of coconut oil, black cumin and fenugreek

Black cumin and fenugreek dry in the hot sun and grind together. Then mix powdered fenugreek and kaloji with coconut oil and boil the mixture for a few minutes. Once the mixture has cooled, place it in a glass bottle. It will stay good for at least three weeks.

How to stop hair fall and remedies regrow hair naturally?

Before applying the mixture on the hair, mix vitamin E capsules with it and apply it on the scalp and massage it well. Use two to three times a week. You will get the results in a few months. These ingredients will stop hair fall quickly.

Neem leaf juice

More or less everyone knows about the benefits of neem leaves. It is a natural disinfectant that helps new hair to grow and stop hair fall. As well as strengthens the hair follicles and eliminates dandruff. Wash and paste the neem leaves well. Then take out the juice from the paste and massage it on the whole part of the head, at the beginning of the hair. If you want you can use the paste directly. Leave on for at least 30 minutes then wash your head with lukewarm water and shampoo. Do this at least three to four days a week. The problem of hair loss will be removed within a month.

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