Mushrooms are relatively more nutritious than the foods we eat on a daily basis, so they help to keep the body healthy and strong by meeting the body's nutritional needs. Mushrooms contain carbs, sugars, fats, minerals and vitamins (all); Fats and sugars (low); Due to the medicinal properties and ingredients of folic acid, iron, etc., it increases the immunity of the human body to diabetes; Blood pressure; Kidney and allergies; Sexually transmitted diseases and disabilities; It plays a great role in curing complex and difficult incurable diseases like ulcers and rheumatic pains.

The nutritional value of mushrooms

The nutritional value of mushrooms is relatively high and this protein is very good and extremely beneficial for the human body. A prerequisite for a complete protein is the presence of 9 essential acids in the human body. These 9 essential amino acids are present in mushrooms.

Other animal foods such as fish, meat, and eggs are very expensive, but they are high in fat, which can lead to high cholesterol levels, which can lead to obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease. The risk of contracting the disease is multiplied.

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Mushrooms are low in protein, fat and carbohydrates and contain cholesterol-breaking elements - lovstratin, antadenin, eritadenine and niacin.

100 grams of dried mushrooms contain 25-35 grams of protein. On the other hand, the amount of protein in 100 grams of fish, meat and eggs is only 16-22 grams, 22-25 grams and 13 grams of fish, meat and eggs which we eat as very famous and expensive food.

How to eat mushrooms

Mushrooms are not only delicious to eat, they are also very beneficial for our health. So mushrooms should be included in the daily diet. However, only cultivated mushrooms should be eaten instead of waste mushrooms. It can be fried, soup or cooked or eaten as a salad. Raw or dried mushrooms are soaked in boiling hot water for 15 to 20 minutes, washed well and discarded. Mushrooms can also be eaten fried or cooked as a vegetable. It can also be cooked and eaten with curry or fish-meat.

Various health benefits of mushrooms

1. Mushrooms for Increasing immunity 

Naturally, mushrooms contain the most vitamins and minerals and antioxidants, so it enhances the human body's immune system. Mushrooms are an essential antioxidant for the human body called polyphenols and selenium which protect the body from some deadly diseases, such as stroke, nervous system diseases and cancer.

2. Mushrooms for Cholesterol and blood pressure control 

Mushrooms are one of the main cholesterol-lowering ingredients in erythrodytes, lovastatin, entadenine, ketene and vitamins B, C and D. Regular consumption of mushrooms reduces high blood pressure. It is high in fiber and rich in potassium. It also contains very little sodium which helps in controlling blood pressure and other functions of the heart.

3.Mushrooms for Helps in digestion and weight control 

The high fiber content of mushrooms helps to keep the stomach full for a long time. It also plays a role in controlling blood sugar levels. As a result, these mushrooms can play a special role in reducing body weight. The fiber and enzymes in it also help in digestion. It also helps increase the work of beneficial bacteria in the gut and increase the absorption of nutrients by the colon. So you can take the opportunity to lose weight by eating mushrooms instead of eating high fat rich red meat.

4. Mushrooms for diabetes control 

Mushrooms, which are rich in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals, can be very beneficial for diabetic patients. Regular consumption of mushrooms controls the amount of sugar in the blood. In addition, mushrooms contain enzymes and natural insulin, which plays a key role in controlling diabetes by breaking down excess sugar in the body.

5.Mushrooms for Eliminate anemia 

When the amount of iron in the blood is too low, anemia occurs and this leads to mental exhaustion, headaches and digestive problems. Mushrooms are rich in iron, which is a boon for anemia patients. Therefore, regular consumption of mushrooms reduces the risk of anemia.

6. Mushrooms for steak

Although vitamin D is not found in vegetables, mushrooms are rich in vitamin D which helps in increasing the absorption of calcium and phosphorus. It also helps to increase our bone strength as it contains a lot of calcium. So there is no comparison of mushrooms to reduce joint pain and prevent various bone diseases.

7. Mushrooms for keeping the skin healthy 

Mushrooms are rich in vitamins, niacin and riboflavin, so they are good for the skin. Moreover, it contains about 80-90 percent water, which plays a special role in keeping the skin soft and supple.

8. Prevents cancer for mushrooms

The phytochemicals in mushrooms inhibit the growth of tumors. There is no comparison of mushrooms in the prevention of various cancers such as breast and prostate cancer.

Mushrooms are known

Mushrooms are the fruiting parts of a kind of edible fungus. These are mainly fungi belonging to the class Basidiomycetes or Ascomycetes. Mushrooms are a kind of non-flowering plant. This includes fungi or eumicitis. It does not have chlorophyll in it, so it cannot prepare its own food like plants with green particles. That is why they depend on animals or plants for food.

Mushroom is a kind of fungus like the frog's umbrella. Although mushroom and frog umbrellas look similar, there are many differences between them. Some mushrooms born in the natural environment are poisonous and cannot be eaten. Sunlight cannot grow too many mushrooms naturally so there are not many mushrooms available for food in a natural way.

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There are about 3 lakh species of mushrooms in the world. Of these, about 290,000 species are inedible. Research is underway on about 10,000 species of mushrooms. Not all types of fungi are mushrooms. Mushrooms are the only edible fungus. That is, all mushrooms are fungi but not all fungi are mushrooms.

Although 3 lakh species of fungi have been found in the world, so far only 200 species of edible fungi i.e. mushrooms have been found. Of these, 30 species can be cultivated on a commercial basis and 10 on an industrial scale, experts said. Needless to say, each species again has numerous cultivable strains (burns). At present, the National Mushroom Development and Extension Center has 156 cultivable mushroom strains.

 Mushrooms types

The fungus can be divided into high and low levels, the mushroom is a high level fungus and it belongs to the class Basidiomycetes, which causes sexual spores. These spores are produced as a result of karyogamy and meosis and are single nucleated and haploid.

In addition to basidiomycetes, there are some mushrooms belonging to the class Escomycetes. These are known as sponge mushrooms or morels. In this case also sexual spores, but it is not basidio spores, it is known as ascospore (ascospore). Sponge mushrooms are also edible.

The umbrella-like part of the mushroom that we see is called the fruiting body of the fungus. Since we will discuss mushroom cultivation and ancillary issues, the structure of mushrooms is also being talked about. The fruiting body or edible part of the mushroom can usually be divided into four parts.

1. Hat or pilius

2. Gills or lamellae

3. Veil annulus

4. Stipe


The hat or pilias have a lot of umbrella shape. It is usually fleshy and thick. Hats come in different shapes, sizes and colors.


The bottom of the cap of the jilas or lamella mushroom. It contains the essential spores of reproduction. The color of the spores varies according to the species and the color changes with age. Jill is made of a number of parallel threads and already has basidiospores at the top of the mattress-shaped cell.

The spores are not visible to the naked eye, but many spores look like dust together. If the spores fall off, they have to be taken elsewhere in the air. The spores grow in a favorable environment. Just as high-end plants have seeds, mushrooms have spores.

From the spores of mushrooms a kind of string like thread is born. These are called hypha. Many hyphae together call mycelium. Mycelium grows and prolongs and collects food. The main structure of the hifi fungus.


The gills of the newborn fruiting body of the mushroom are covered with a kind of cell membrane that extends from the edge of the pilius to the stem. This tissue is called veil. As the fruiting body grows slowly, the cover on the side of the cap is torn and some part of it is attached to the edge of the cap and the other part is like a ring around the stipe. This is called annulus.

Stipe or stalk

This stipe holds the hat or (Pilius). This bar is usually in the middle of the hat. But field-specific it can also be on one side. The inside of the bar may be full or hollow. The whole of the bar may have the same circumference or the middle or end may be slightly swollen.

Mushroom cultivation from beginning to end

Mushrooms can be grown in low light in any equal place. Mushrooms are harvested within five to seven days of sowing. About 15-16 kg of mushrooms are obtained daily from eight to ten thousand seeds. So you can choose mushroom cultivation as a means of extra income.

Suitable place for cultivation

Mushrooms cannot be grown in open space. So it does not require cultivable land. To cultivate mushrooms, one has to build a house in a shady place with chan or bamboo shed. Houses can also be built with mud walls. Bamboo fences can also be provided. In order to prevent light from entering the house, the bamboo fence has to be covered with soil.

How to cultivate mushrooms, whether training is required for cultivation, cost of production of one bigha of land, its nutritional value and above all how to make extra income through it are described.

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