Winter skin care

In winter, everyone trouble from skin problems. Everyone wants to keep their skin smooth and healthy. Now the interrogation is - how to keep the skin good by using moisturizer.

Winter skin care routine

Use moisturizer on the skin: Use a good moisturizer for skin care in winter. Buy a moisturizer rich in almond oil or avocado from the market. These help maintain the skin's natural moisture. Use as often as the skin feels dry.

Use of sunscreen: Many people think that there is no need to use sunscreen in winter. Even in winter, use sunscreen with SPF 15-30,30 minutes before going out.

Winter skin care

Maintain moisture: In winter, give a splash of water in the mouth occasionally to maintain skin moisture. The skin will not dry easily.

Extra hot water: Even if you feel comfortable while bathing, refrain from washing your face and head with extra hot water. Excessive hot water damages the facial skin follicles, which helps keep the skin moist. Taking a few drops of jojoba or almond oil in water while bathing helps to moisturize and smooth the skin.

Winter skin care

Take care of wet skin: Use moisturizer or lotion after bath and after washing your face every time. This will sustain the moisture of the skin.

Lip care: Lips should never be wet with a jib. Mix a few drops of olive oil with honey and apply it on the lips, it will never crack.

Winter skin care

Hair Care: Wet hair should not be taken out in winter.This demolish the moisture of the hair and breaks the hair.

Winter skin care

Wear a hat: Wear a hat to retain moisture in the hair and scalp. However, make sure that the hat is not too tight.

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