Only sufferers know how painful asthma is. Various drugs and techniques have been discovered to cure this disease. This problem can be attenuate a lot by doing some yoga. One of them is Dhanurasana. Doing so will greatly reduce illiberality of breath

Sagittarius(Dhanurasana) method

Lie on your back with your face down. The legs will be straight. Break the knee and bring the legs upon the two hips. Hold the right leg with the right hand and the left ankle with the left hand. Now lift the chest high from the chest to the head to take a breath in the morning.

Now pull both legs from the knees and pull them high as much as probable. Be careful not to break the elbow.the weight of your body will be on the back only. Stay in this position for 35 seconds. Exhale and straighten(Dhanurasana). Do this three times.

Those who have lofty blood pressure and those who have hyperthyroidism should not do this seat at all.

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