Iga Siontek transferred the racket at the last minute, even though he threw the ball into the sky to serve. Who knows if you found a little extra moment for the survey! After thinking for a while, Sophia Kenin didn't find the server. His backhand was so strong that Seontek tried to stop it by throwing a racket. Kenin hoped to win the break point. Meanwhile, the state's frustration is in the face of Siontek.

Siontek was serving to win the first set. He was also ahead by 40-30 points. But the problem that was suffering throughout the match was the obstacle. His backhand got stuck in the net. After that, there is an advantage from Deuce, and then there is Kenin who uses the break point. In the 6-3 game where the set was supposed to be won, the young woman from the United States reduced the gap to 5-4. But he didn't think much about Kenin. Kenin broke the serve and won the first set 6-4. In the second set, however, he did not have to go to the nerve test. Seontek won the French Open 6-4, 6-1 effortlessly. The first Polish Grand Slam winner in history is now Iga Seontek.

Seontek has forced history to change as soon as he plays in the final. The 19-year-old was ranked 54th at the start of the tournament. Since the rankings began in 1975, no player in Roland Garo has played so far in the finals. Thanks to him, after 81 years, a Polish woman met in the final of the French Open. However, he had the opportunity to be the first in everything by deleting gender, time or Roland Garo from the records. No one in Poland has ever won a Grand Slam before Seontek!

He has never won a tournament at the highest level in his career. Never before has he reached the fourth round of a Grand Slam. But there was no sign of him in the game of Siontek in this tournament. Didn't lose any set till semifinal. Any opponent has been able to take maximum 4 points in any set against him. Abalila blew the top pick in the fourth round. It is thought that Siontek has lost only 23 games till the semi-final!

The final also started with such power. He won the first three games comfortably. In the next three games, Kenin used his backhand problem. After a while it was 3-3. Then again Siontek Dapat. At one stage of the first set, he was serving at an average speed of 20 kilometers per hour more than his opponent. That worked for Kenin for a while, but then he got himself back.

Kenin looked forward to returning early in the second set. Siontek broke the first serve and went ahead. But that was the last display of his heroic semen. Siontek harassed him in the serve and forehand. Won six games in a row, winning the second set 6-1. It lasted only half an hour. In a fight of one hour and 24 minutes, the favorite Kenin was blown away by Siontek who did not lose any set in the entire tournament.

Even after the match, I couldn't believe what had happened a while ago. I am very, very happy. Glad to see my family finally get here. I don't know yet, everything still haunts me. Sounds crazy. I won the Junior Grand Slam two years ago and now I'm here! It seems like a very short time, so I still can't get over it. Thanks to everyone for encouraging me. It was a great final. '

With a prize money of  11 million in his four-year career, Seontek won  19 million in a two-week tournament. In the ATP rankings, it has jumped from 54 to 17. But on the day he became the first player in the country to win a Grand Slam, he had to think about all this.

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