Every summer, New yourks enjoyed the rich taste of all the honey fruits of the honeymoon month. As the sun heats up at the end of June, the competition to leave concrete debris in search of green forests begins. Some of them would go to the back of the house to have a barbecue in the garden or in the open park next door. Bengali menu could be mixed with various items of white or red meat. Beef or mutton biryani. With the smiling presence of native fruit. Desi fruit jackfruit, watermelon and various varieties of raw-ripe mango is an attractive location. Due to Corona this summer, the process of purification of joy and love in a limited range and rhythm is still going on. The social practice of tasting various fruits is now temporarily banished due to corona. Nowadays, the stories of joy and celebration of Bengali immigrants during the honeymoon have taken refuge only on social media.

I thought I would tell everyone the story of a honey fruit at the honeymoon festival. So I chose Bengali's favorite honey fruit. If that is the story of the mango. Honey fruit mango, is it just involved with Bengali culture? But the history of mango does not say that. Mango originated 4,000 years ago in the forests of present-day Myanmar in the northeast corner of the subcontinent. Cambridge has endorsed the information in World History of Food. Similar information is available in the research of eminent Indian botanist KT Achaia. Renowned Russian botanist Vavilov, who traveled the world to discover the origin of the world's crops, has a clear idea that the mango fruit originated in a forest around the Indian subcontinent.

One of our great-grandfathers took care of me and spread it all over the Indian subcontinent. The mango kingdom was not limited to the Indian subcontinent. Gradually it spread all over the world. The Europeans have skillfully done the job of spreading the sweet fruit to me. Arab merchants were with him. The famous traveler Ibn Battuta saw the mango tree in Mogadishu around 1331. By 1800, the Portuguese were importing mangoes to Brazil, which is now Brazil's main export. The Jamaican mango was touched by the seizure of a French ship bound for Haiti. There were mangoes on the ship, along with mango seeds and saplings. Besides, mango production started in Mexico in 184, but today the American mango market is occupied by Mexico.

What is the end of the story about the sweet fruit? In Greek mythology, Hesperides is said to have eaten a heavenly sweet apple while under the watchful eye of three angels. In 183, an English tourist said that the apple of that heavenly taste, sniffs to the taste of Indian mango. Emperor Akbar was not only savvy in tasting mangoes. To reach that taste to all the tenants, he planted one lakh mango trees and made a huge mango grove called Lakhbagh. Lakhbagh was a pilgrimage site for Indians till the nineteenth century. In all of India, there were many differences in the size and taste of mango fruit. According to data, about 200 species of mangoes are being grown in India. Most of the total amount was in Andhra Pradesh. Yet the whole of Bengal is not lagging behind in the yield of various varieties of mangoes. Nana Bahari was also called Madhufal Amer. Ashwina, Bouvulani, Barobabu, Padmamadhu, Misridana, Ilshepethi, Rakhalbhog, Chuchomukhi are many more names. The collection of mangoes named Kuhetur was a sight to behold. Under that special mango tree was placed a bed of soft cotton lining. So that the mango does not get stained by hitting something hard under any circumstances.

Sohrab Ali, a pot seller in Uchabalua village in Bangladesh, ate mangoes and threw them in a broken earthen pot. From the seed to the tree. The fruit that was found after planting was found to be very sweet and fragrant. So I understand that naming mango is broken mango. In the nineteenth century, mango testing was a hobby of the wealthy Babus of Calcutta. Hundreds of varieties of mangoes were collected and kept in the yard. It was customary to feed different varieties of mangoes blindfolded by the familiar mango tester. The one who could say the most names would get a hundred rupees reward.

Amla Shankar, the wife of renowned dancer Uday Shankar, has a unique memory of mango. Amla Shankar was the darling son of Akshay Kumar Nandi, a wealthy Bengali businessman. While in Paris, the wealthy father's home, an elderly French woman showed him a dried mango kernel and said that he had never drunk the sweetest and most delicious fruit of his life. The story of embarrassment while trying to taste the variety of mango is its own. The elder brother-in-law's house is in Malda district of West Bengal. I went to Malda in the early eighties. There is no lack of respect as a bondage and old Muslim family. I heard they have hundreds of mango orchards. The next day it was my turn to eat mango. The main purpose of going to Malda was to taste different varieties of mangoes. Mango was served the next day. On the long table are at least a hundred varieties of mangoes of various sizes, different colors, assorted fragrances. Seeing so many varieties of mangoes on one table makes my eyes water. Arranged on the table with various red and beautiful mangoes of medium size. As a child of Bengal, the name of mango is limited to Fazli and Langra. I wanted to know in a temporary excitement, I don't see Fazli mango. One of the elder brothers said in a hushed voice that the mango of that variety does not come home. Goes to the cowshed. Fazli mango is fed to cows as a milk enhancer. Hearing this, I sat in silence with red ears and face.

There is a beautiful and wonderful history behind the naming of mango. Langra Mango is the abode of a knowledgeable fakir in the Indian pilgrimage city of Barnsi. The less popular Fazli mango in Malda is named after the famous Fazli Baiji of the city. The last chemistry of this incomparably different taste of mango is the Sanskrit word mango which has root or acid. That is why the beginning of this fruit is called 'Tutuk Toba'. There is so much talk in it that someone will put it on their tongue and say Toba Toba! This is the most desirable fruit of the honeymoon.


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