Bangladesh's first satellite Bangabandhu-1 has meanwhile, landed in space. Attainment is coming. Apart from Bangladesh, various countries are now using the satellite.

The Bangladesh government wants to launch Bangabandhu-2 satellite within 6 years of the successful launch of Bangabandhu-1 satellite. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Information and Communication Technology of the Government of Bangladesh and Bangladesh Satellite Company Limited have started work on planning and budgeting for the launch of the 2nd satellite.

Jean Marin Sukshm, French Ambassador to Dhaka, has expressed his desire to provide technical assistance including design and launch of Bangabandhu-2 satellite. In November 2020, the French Ambassador met with the Head of Government of Bangladesh

In the proposal, he said, France has already proved its efficiency by working to build the first satellite of Bangladesh. Since France is already involved in the operation of Bangladesh from the launch of the satellite, it is ready to manufacture and supply the satellite according to the needs of the Bangladesh government. In addition, France is willing to provide training and technical facilities for further development of Bangladesh satellite technology and creation of skilled manpower.

On the other hand, the Russian-based space research company Glavcosms Company has expressed its desire to maintain and launch the second satellite of Bangladesh. To this end, in October last year, Vitaly Sevenov, Deputy Director of Glavcomsm Company, an 8-member team of expert satellite engineers came to Bangladesh and provided information about various types of satellites with Bangladesh Satellite Company Limited.

At the time, the Russian ambassador to Bangladesh expressed his desire to send Bangladesh's second satellite, saying that Russia had already leased a slot to Bangladesh. Russia is ready to provide more slots considering the future needs of Bangladesh as well as Russia is able to send any type of satellite according to the needs of Bangladesh.

At the time, a team of Russian satellite experts expressed interest in providing technical assistance to Bangladesh in building future satellites, training manpower, ensuring multifaceted use of satellites and also working as a consultant in determining satellite construction & launch costs.

Meanwhile, Bangladesh Telecommunications Minister Mostafa Jabbar said in a question and answer session of the parliament that the Bangladesh government is determined to launch the second satellite by 2023 as its election promise. To this end, Bangladesh has received proposals from various countries to launch the second satellite.

He added that a team of Russian experts had already provided detailed information on the functionality of various satellites and their use in a meeting with the Bangladesh Satellite Company. We would like to review the issues further and send the next satellite.

He further said that since the first satellite of Bangladesh is located angularly instead of directly on Bangladesh, we want our next satellite Zeno to be close according to our geographical location. Bangladesh wants its 2nd satellite to be in its own orbit which will be owned by Bangladesh.

The minister further said that although the Bangabandhu-1 satellite was launched keeping in mind the improved communication system, the military, weather and agricultural system would be taken into consideration while launching the second satellite. Moreover, Bangabandhu-2 satellite will be a hybrid technology satellite which will be able to work in coordination with other satellites including Bangabandhu-1 satellite.

 France wants Bangladesh to build the second satellite, France-based large satellite development and launch company ArianeSpace. ArianeSpace is one of the largest satellite construction companies in Europe that launches as well as builds satellites. They are primarily known for building and launching Medium To Heavy satellites.

According to the plan of Bangladesh government, 2nd satellite will be sent by 2023 and 3rd & 4th satellite in 2026 & 2029.

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